About Us
About Us
Established in 1996, Intertranslations is a leading international translation service provider with offices in London, Athens, and Paris. Our expertise lies in the legal, financial, life sciences, sports betting, manufacturing and marketing sectors, as well as government, public services and NGOs/IGOs.

Why Intertranslations
The reasons why our company remains a preferred partner of choice to many include our excellent customer service, our proprietary translation technology and expertise, and our highly competitive prices. Discover the unique advantages of Intertranslations and experience the difference for yourself.
Intertranslations boasts a team of seasoned translation specialists and possesses the technological expertise to achieve the results that discerning clients demand. Our experience helps us find the right combination of tools and methods to produce the required results. We provide accurate, first-rate translations by integrating our client’s corporate glossary and our collective terminology database.
Intertranslations has a strong presence with offices in London, Paris and Athens and is among the first translation companies in Europe to have invested in ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, and ISO 17100:2015. Due to our strict standards, clients in all sectors have trusted Intertranslations with large-scale and challenging projects.
Values & Philosophy
Values & Philosophy
In order to deliver on its philosophy of “Serving our clients with the best people and latest technology,” Intertranslations’ four core values are:
- A People-Centric Approach
- Excellent Customer Service
- Technological Innovation
- Focus on the Future

Corporate Social Responsibility
Intertranslations corporate responsibility starts with our value system, and our principled approach to doing business. We recognise that we influence the lives of our staff by providing them with employment, training and a safe work environment. We also influence the lives of our clients by offering our services and the community we live in when we use its infrastructure networks and natural resources.