Translation service for Charities
Non-governmental organisations, or NGOs, are non-profit organisations that work independently from any government and are divided into two categories. On one side are advocacy NGOs who advocate for specific causes, and on the other humanitarian NGOs who help people in need. The number of NGOs around the world has been increasing for several years, playing a vital role in creating fair and civil societies.
The translation needs of individual NGOs vary depending on how the documents are going to be used. Some documents will be intended for external use, giving their organisation a voice and driving their campaigns. Others will be used internally, helping the organisation to work on a global scale.
Translations that reach a global audience
When it comes to documents for external use, websites are the most common. Thanks to the internet, NGOs can now create websites that quickly increase their visibility and help them reach a wider audience. In general, these charitable organisations will have an English version of their website, and this will often be the only one.
However, having a website in only one language puts up cultural and linguistic barriers between an NGO and their success. As such, more organisations are starting to look into the translation and localisation options available to them. By having a website in multiple languages, organisations can expand their reach, connect with their audience directly, and engage more people in their cause.
Creating a multilingual website
When looking to translate their website, many will start with the language spoken in the country of their headquarters. They might also choose to have several versions covering all the languages spoken throughout the different countries where they operate.
Every corner of every page must be translated. From testimonials, reports and articles, to mission statement, press releases and contact information. The sheer quantity of work alone makes this a very time consuming task, and so the work will often be shared between several translators. Although it takes a lot of effort, it will significantly increase the organisation’s visibility with a great return on investment.
An alternative to website translation
However, with most of their funds going towards their causes, NGOs work to a tight budget. If a full website translation is out of reach, another option is to create a new site in the official language for each target country.
With this alternative method, organisations create unique content specifically for each country or geographical area. This enables them to emphasise the direct link between their cause and the target audience, delivering a message with impact.
Translations for internal use
NGOs work with both volunteers and paid staff from all different countries. Since the people they work with speak different languages, they also need to have documents for internal use translated to create an all-inclusive environment.
Most of the time, these documents are originally written in English. This is the most widely spoken language in the world, and NGOs often choose it as their working language. However, organisations can improve understanding between various global offices by translating internal documents, such as contracts, reports, guidelines and legal documents.
Choosing between internal and external translation
Some organisations decide to do all their translations in-house, with bilingual staff members helping create the translations. However, translations require a multitude of specialist knowledge gained from years of translating experience, from terminology and document formats to differences in regulations.
A hobby translator will not have the experience and knowledge needed to produce an accurate translation, and could do more harm than good. If they produce a low-quality translation, then this could have legal or financial consequences, not to mention serious damage to the organisation’s reputation.
That is why we always recommend leaving your translations to the professionals. By choosing a translation agency or freelance translator working in your language pairs and specialist area, you can help protect your organisation’s integrity.
Driving your organisation towards its goals
Translated documents are a huge asset for NGOs, removing all barriers and opening up international communication. Having materials available in multiple languages allows organisations to reach a wider audience, increasing their visibility and potentially attracting the attention of influential people.
When project managers choose to work with a translation agency, they are investing in high-quality translations. This will maximise the full potential of your translated documents, while also allowing organisation members to focus on their mission without worrying about their documents.
Building connections for faster, affordable translations
What is more, building up a relationship with a translation agency can become one of your biggest assets. Working with people who are familiar with your organisation’s goals, area and preferred terminology will result in translations that deliver on quality, consistency and speed.
Some agencies will also create bespoke glossaries and translation memories specifically for your projects. These highlight any previously used words during the translation process, keeping terminology consistent throughout. Any previously translated words and sections will also be added up to avoid your organisation paying twice for repetitions. Over time, this can significantly reduce translation costs.
At Intertranslations, we offer high-quality translation services in a variety of areas, including multilingual websites. Every client receives their own bespoke glossary and translation memories,
and we look to build long-lasting and fruitful relationships. We are here to support your mission, so get in touch today for your free consultation.
Non-governmental organizations or NGOs are increasingly present on the international scene. These non-profit organizations are not under the control of any state or institution. They are characterized by their financial and political independence and the causes they defend. They fight against inequalities in the world in various fields such as hunger and poverty.
Due to their nature of operation, functioning independently of any government, these charities can intervene at a national or international level. In the case of international intervention, NGOs may need to translate the multitude of documents they produce. Their goal is to attract the attention of public figures, governments, international institutions, or other NGOs, although their message is not only intended for them.
The objective of NGOs is to reach as many people as possible without discrimination through their international campaigns. In this case, language is one of the main obstacles to overcome. It is through translation that NGOs can overcome the language barrier. It is mandatory that the ideas NGOs wish to convey are clear since in many cases the message highlights societal problems as well as the various actions that NGOs have taken or will take to remedy the situation. In this sense, this translation must be accurate and what makes this task difficult are the different specific terms used in the various documents that NGOs translate.
Care must be taken to ensure consistency between texts in the same field to avoid adding confusion through different readings. Low quality translations could cause harm to NGOs. If errors are found in the documents, the credibility of the NGO may be called into question. Whether it is syntax or consistency, the message can be altered. This could ultimately impact donations as well as people’s trust in the charity.
NGOs rely on translation agencies to have their documents translated not only to create empathy and bring people together for a common cause, but also to facilitate communication within their organization. These organizations produce both documents for external and internal use. For the public, they produce documents such as press releases or websites. On the other hand, they produce other types of texts for members such as reports, research studies, or newsletters. For organizations operating at an international level, with offices in many countries around the world, the translation of documents for internal communication avoids any confusion.
Translation is therefore an important element for NGOs wishing to have an international scope. Its main objective is to allow the NGO to reach a wider population and for the organization to communicate important issues internally such as working policies and practices.
Since the stakes are high, having a quality translation is essential. If your NGO needs to have its documents translated, we recommend that you hire a professional language services provider. At Intertranslations, we offer a variety of translation services in different fields. Our translation agency delivers fast and accurate translations at competitive prices. We value our clients, and we also deliver free quotes for every new project.
In today’s global climate, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are fast growing. Working independently of the government, these organisations fight to promote environmental, social and political change, playing a key role in developing fair and civil societies.
All translations should be of a high quality, regardless of whether they are for an NGO, an intergovernmental organisation (IGO), or a company in the public sector. However, they each need a specialist approach, and translating documents for NGOs can be quite different to other sectors.
The actual objectives of the translation will depend on the organisation’s goals and their specialist area. These factors change how the translator goes about handling a text, guiding their decisions and the approaches they take. A professional translation agency will take their time to understand your goals, producing a translation that best suits its purpose.
The key to unlocking a global audience
NGOs produce all kinds of documents intended for different audiences worldwide. As such, websites, articles, reports, testimonies and a number of other documents must all be translated into different languages. Even if an organisation has an official working language, there will still be times when they need translation.
By making all of their documents accessible to speakers of different languages, NGOs can reach an even wider global audience. This results in a growing awareness of the causes they fight for and the work they do, in turn helping advance their causes even further. As such, translation has become an indispensable tool that impacts the lives of many people.
Translating messages with impact
Translating documents for NGOs is especially unique due to the multicultural aspect. This is at the centre of any translation for an NGO, ensuring that the message delivers the same impact on all audiences across different languages. Each translation must be perfectly adapted to the culture of the target audience, bringing the message to the foreground.
This is where translation gets especially complex, since the special status of NGOs means they have a highly diverse audience. Most NGOs will need their messages to reach foreign governments, governmental organisations and other NGOs around the world, as well as other influential people.
The complexities involved in translating for an NGO
With such a diverse audience, NGOs often need their documents translating for both internal and external uses. They also handle a wide range of documents relating to different fields. Along with websites, project reports and press releases, there are also more delicate areas like legal documents and financial reports.
Trust a professional to get the most out of your translation
With a wide global audience, it is unsurprising that NGOs often employ people who can speak multiple languages. As such, many organisations decide to translate their documents internally. However, mistakes are easy to make with such a complex audience and range of specialist areas, which can result in your message being lost.
That is why it is always best to make sure you have your documents translated externally. By choosing a professional translation agency, your translations will be produced using all the right tools for guaranteeing consistency and accuracy. Once complete, the final translation will also go through several quality checks to make sure your message is delivered accurately and clearly.
Professional translations that get you heard
Translation for an NGO is different to other sectors due to the wide audience and range of specialist areas involved. It is important to choose an agency that understands your specific needs, tailoring your translations to suit your goals.
For almost 25 years, NGOs across the globe have trusted us with all their translation needs for both internal and external audiences. At Intertranslations, we offer a wide range of translation services and will deliver quality translations for almost all types of documents. From operational guidelines, audiobooks, and presentations, to reports, guidance notes and internal regulations, we have you covered.
A wide range of companies rely on translation agencies for their global communication needs, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organisations (IGOs). These organisations need expert linguists to help convey an impactful message to as many people as possible. As such, translation plays an important role in driving their activities and connecting them with an international audience.
Raising awareness
Most of an NGO’s budget will go directly towards their activities, driving environmental, political and social change or addressing human rights. This leaves them with a tight budget for other activities, and so they need to find a way of raising the funds they need for other promotional activities.
Translation is the first step, providing NGOs with direct access to an international audience. By making their documents available in different languages, they can raise awareness of their organisation and promote their campaigns, crossing linguistic and cultural borders. This access to a whole new audience will in turn help them raise more funds for other promotional campaigns.
Different documents for different audiences
When it comes to translating for an NGO, the main challenge is that not all documents are the same. From international campaigns and press releases, to multilingual websites and articles, these organisations connect with public audiences through a variety of different mediums. Despite the different types of documents, they all need to be of the same quality. Consistency and clarity is paramount if an NGO is to connect with its new audience and inspire trust in their activities.
Some NGOs will also need to translate documents for internal use within the organisation, since many have offices in several different countries. Although they may have established a standard working language, translating internal documents can be helpful for any offices located in countries where the spoken is different.
High-quality, affordable translations tailored to your target audience
Budget is crucial for the success of an NGO. High-quality translations at affordable prices play a key role in driving their worldwide campaigns and raising funds for their causes. As such, it is vital that NGOs choose a professional agency. By using specialist translators with all the right tools, your organisation can deliver an impactful message to global audiences while minimising costs.
At Intertranslations, we offer translation services covering a variety of fields and documents. We have built up an extensive network of specialist translators, and can guarantee quality translations in more than 40 languages. We then combine this expertise with professional CAT tools, creating translation memories for consistent and accurate results. This also helps us reduce costs over time, delivering high-quality translations at a fair price.